Sermon Reflections from Citizens of Joy: Joy in Suffering | Alex Hardt | July 7, 2024
As we dive into the first chapter of Philippians, we're met with an incredible example of joy in the face of suffering. The Apostle Paul, writing from a Roman prison, exudes a profound sense of joy and purpose that transcends his dire circumstances. His words are not just a testimony of enduring faith but also a powerful encouragement for us today. Paul’s ability to find joy amidst suffering stems from his unwavering commitment to the Gospel and his deep relationship with Christ. Paul begins by expressing gratitude and joy for the Philippians, highlighting their partnership in spreading the Gospel from the very first day. Despite his imprisonment, Paul rejoices because his chains have served to advance the Gospel. He is sold out for Jesus and has surrendered his life to following Christ. He explains that his imprisonment has become widely known, and as a result, many believers have gained confidence to speak the word of God more courageously and fearlessly. This perspective challenges us to see our own trials as opportunities for God’s work to be displayed in and through us. The notion of joy in suffering can seem counterintuitive, especially in a world that equates happiness with comfort and ease. However, Paul’s joy is rooted in something far deeper than temporary circumstances. He is focused on the eternal implications of his suffering, recognizing that his hardships are contributing to the spread of the Gospel and the strengthening of fellow believers. This eternal perspective allows Paul to find joy not in his comfort but in the progress of the Gospel and the glory of Christ. Paul’s message in Philippians 1 serves as a reminder that our joy is not dependent on our situation but on our relationship with Christ and our commitment to His mission. Like Paul, we are called to find joy in our trials by focusing on the greater purpose God has for our lives. Whether we face opposition, challenges, or even persecution, we can take heart knowing that our suffering can serve a divine purpose. By trusting in God’s sovereignty and finding our joy in Him, we can experience a peace and contentment that surpasses all understanding, shining a light for others in the darkest of times. Blessing, Pastor Alex Discussion Questions
Takeaway Despite our circumstances, we can find true joy by focusing on our relationship with Christ and the eternal purpose of our lives, allowing our trials to become powerful testimonies of faith and courage. MESSAGE LINK Click Here to View the Message on Youtube Our Sunday service is online and in-person at 11:00am. Come visit us at 5353 Concord Blvd, on the corner of Concord Blvd and Kirker Pass Stephanie- Leadership
2024 began with the regular routines: filling in the church calendar, discerning the Word for the year (thanks Linda K.), and starting a reading plan. Alex asked the team, “Can we have 2 words? I think our word is ‘Missional Imagination.’ By the way, here’s a book on prayer.” God planted a seed at our first LT meeting that has been growing since. Encouraged by our reading, the team started praying bold, imaginative, and specific prayers. As a team, we have been learning what it means to listen and discern God’s will in prayer together. God is transforming the leadership into a PRAYING team. And His church at Crossroads is becoming a PRAYING Church. We don’t have a prayer team because our church IS the prayer team. Whether it’s Sunday mornings together, or Saturday walks around the neighborhood, Crossroads is growing as a PRAYING church. Greg- Financial In His Word, God has given us all pretty clear guidance on how to seek, hear and understand His will. Through prayer, sometimes including fasting, studying His Word, and listening to Godly wisdom of mentors, leaders and other pillars of the church, leaning in and moving forward with prudent action in line with what we are hearing — AND ALWAYS IN UNITY! So it should be no surprise that we have heard bits and pieces from Him over the past year or so as we have sought his will via the above means. And from time to time - and most recently, I believe - He has “congealed” many of those bits — some small and some large — into another prudent action plan for us. You may ask - what, Greg, does all that have to do with finances? I have seen God work through His people called to this, His church we call Crossroads in unbelievable ways in the past year. When I did not think it was possible, in at least three areas I have seen God miraculously provide the financial resources needed to accomplish His mission for us: 1. Campus Use Permit Update: Sustained/increased provision of money and skilled labor by our campus partners and our congregation to complete the groundwork for future growth of Hope Academy for Dyslexics. This is still a work in progress, but the Crossroads share of these expenses were provided for and spent in the period ending in December 2023 2. Building The Dream capital improvement campaign: Again, sustained/increased provision by our faithful congregation partnering with our campus partners (reduced cost/donated labor and materials) to complete our urgent roof replacement, as well as painting in the kitchen and education wing. And we’re just getting started on the projects - GO GOD!) 3. Staff growth: Most recently I believe God has spoken to us through His faithful congregation via new pledges to our General fund. We now have almost all of what is needed to fund the monthly cost of bringing on a critically needed member to our staff at a time when we are seeing growth and diversity in our ministries. GOD has known this all along, and has watched our faithful seeking of His plans for us and calling to serve this community where He has planted us. Every time I consider these I get goose-bumps, and sometimes even tears of joy! I hope you can clearly see, that time and again, God has honored our UNIFIED efforts to seek His plans (and timing) for ministry at Crossroads. Cheryl- Care Crossroads Care Team provides an opportunity to demonstrate our love, compassion and mercy for one another while meeting each other’s needs. We serve in the areas of care, hospitality, benevolence and special church events. Various areas of responsibility might include caring for others through calls, cards, visits, preparing and delivering meals, providing transportation, and helping with errands. Crossroads major events are also coordinated through the Care Team. This last year we cared for new moms, those with health issues and/or family needs. We continued to reach out and make connections through calls, visits and church events. God blessed us with new families at Crossroads, allowing us to make connections and share the love of Jesus. Our involvement with various community organizations – Options Health, Hands and Feet, Children of Faith also increased as we served alongside them. The Care Team is currently developing plans to train and equip successors to serve on the team. We encourage and mentor others to serve with us. If you are interested in serving, contact Cheryl Summers, Care Team leader, for additional information.. Kathy- Admin In the unity of purpose felt on the Leadership Team. We are being asked time and again to take a leap of faith where we feel God leading us. The leaps are sometimes scary, but if we are faithful, God will also be faithful. As far as the Office Team, we answer the phones, email and greet visitors as they come in the door. We keep congregation information up to date, we prepare materials for the sermons and we copy forms for meetings. There’s always something to do. God is good! Wayne- Worship This quarter the crossroads, tech and praise team has experienced the dividends of the new praise team leadership that has been in place since January. Perhaps it just took time to gel. Perhaps we individually needed to grow into a unit. Perhaps it was the additional time we would spend in prayer prior to rehearsals and worship services. Perhaps it was the joys and sorrows we weekly shared with each other. It was certainly evident in the way everyone would pitch in after rehearsal and after service to put all the equipment away. It was evident when any one of us would walk in the door and all the others would shout out "How are you doing with that issue, that hurt, that thing we've been praying for?" I can say for sure that the praise team has experienced a musical miracle. The one where in the middle of a song one or more of us will realize that we are making beautiful music. We are doing the thing that we oh so long to do and it sounds beautiful. It sounds beautiful to us and we are hopeful that It sounds beautiful to God & you. Having experienced that miracle once, twice or multiple times has fostered confidence & growth. We have grown to trust each other to trust ourselves to let go and let God's spirit guide the music. Dare I say that we have jointly grown in our relationship with & in our service to God. Perhaps you, the Crossroads congregation have also seen glimpses of it. If not, it is our prayer that you will. Wayne (Yes we have two Waynes ;) )- Facilities I love seeing people connect with each other at the BBQs, Potlucks, and at church. Crossroads is such a warm and welcoming place where everyone can feel at home. It’s great seeing the new faces at church and that more people are coming to church. It is a blessing that we are growing as a church, and we are seeing new families being part of our wonderful community. The generosity of this community is amazing. The building the dream campaign has been a success and because of it we are able to update our facility, put a new roof on the building, and make our campus even better than it was before. Crossroads is a special place with so many special people. Sermon Reflections from God at the Movies "If" | Alex Hardt | June 16, 2024
In our journey through life, we often find ourselves at a crossroads, pondering the profound questions of existence: Why am I here? What is my purpose? These questions are not just philosophical musings but are deeply rooted in our desire to find meaning and direction. The quest for purpose is universal, and it's a treasure hunt where the map to our destination is God's wisdom. Wisdom is more than knowledge; it's the application of God's truth in our lives. It's a treasure that surpasses all material wealth, offering us a life of peace, security, and fulfillment. Unlike the fleeting satisfaction that comes from earthly achievements, wisdom provides us with a guiding light through life's complexities. It's about seeing our lives from God's perspective and aligning our desires with His. Our lives are often marred by brokenness and pain, leaving us feeling lost and disconnected. However, through our faith in Jesus Christ, we can experience healing that transcends the physical realm. The story of Jesus healing the deaf and mute man in Mark 7 is a powerful testament to this truth. It's not just about the restoration of physical abilities but about finding a renewed sense of purpose and identity in Christ. Purpose is not a passive state; it requires action. It's about translating our beliefs into deeds that reflect God's love and grace. The movie "If" illustrates this beautifully, showing characters who find purpose in helping others. Similarly, we are called to serve and love, making God's compassion tangible in the world. Our actions can have a profound impact, as seen in the story of a young girl creating "bags of grace" for those in need, embodying the very essence of living out one's purpose. LIFE APPLICATION This week, challenge yourself to actively seek God's wisdom in your daily life. Reflect on how you can apply this wisdom to serve others and make a positive impact in your community. Ask yourself: How can I incorporate prayer and scripture into my daily routine to grow in wisdom? In what areas of my life do I need healing to fully embrace my God-given purpose? What tangible actions can I take this week to demonstrate God's love to those around me? Remember, your purpose is not defined by the world's standards but by your relationship with the Heavenly Father. Embrace the journey, knowing that each step guided by God's wisdom leads you closer to the treasure of a purposeful life. KEY TAKEAWAYS Wisdom Surpasses Wealth Wisdom is more precious than material riches because it guides us to live in alignment with God's will. By valuing wisdom above earthly treasures, we prioritize our spiritual growth and find true fulfillment in life. Healing Leads to Purpose The healing of the deaf and mute man illustrates that Christ's touch goes beyond physical restoration; it opens us to a deeper understanding of our purpose. Embracing Jesus' healing can lead us to a life of clarity and meaningful action. Action Reflects God's Love Living out our purpose is not passive; it requires action that reflects God's love to the world. By actively serving others and sharing the gospel, we fulfill our calling and make a tangible impact in the lives of those around us. Blessings, Pastor Alex MESSAGE LINK Click Here to View the Message on Youtube Our Sunday service is online and in-person at 11:00am. Come visit us at 5353 Concord Blvd, on the corner of Concord Blvd and Kirker Pass Sermon Reflections from Name | Alex Hardt | May 12, 2024
Throughout his sermon Pastor Alex reminded us how Mothers or Mother figures are vital to our emotional health. By providing that listening ear and gentle guidance they emulate Jesus’ loving care and help us to lead stronger and more resilient lives. For his text this week, Pastor Alex chose the story of the Samaritan woman in John 4. Jesus’ encounter with this unnamed woman showed his great love and careful counseling that led to her transformation. When he first met her in John 4:1-9 she was what we would consider today a ‘hot mess’. She was an outcast in her village because of her immoral behavior but Jesus reached out to her when she least expected it. Jesus was tired and thirsty sitting strategically at the well knowing she would arrive. He asked her for a drink of water. She was doubtful and filled with trepidation as men did not speak with lone women especially one like her. She had come in the heat of the day to avoid the other women who had shunned her. Since Jews did not associate with Samaritans, she did not expect him to speak let alone ask her for something. He realized her fear and led her into a discussion that pointed her towards a deeper meaning as he introduced the idea of living water. She was intrigued and asked him about this thinking this living, eternal water could be the solution to her having to come to the well and face those she lived around. Just like many of us, she sought to avoid her problem emotions and was structuring her life so that she could avoid conflict. However, Jesus is teaching us here that we need to openly discuss our issues and realize that HE is the solution. I love 2 Corinthians 2:20 which assures us, “For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ. And so through him the “Amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God.” Next, Jesus invites her to partake of the living water. John 4:13-14 “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, 14 but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” She was eager to embrace this idea and was joyful at the thought of such water. Then Jesus caused her to have to confront her sin. John 4:15-18 He told her, “Go, call your husband and come back.” 17 “I have no husband,” she replied. Jesus said to her, “You are right when you say you have no husband. 18 The fact is, you have had five husbands, and the man you now have is not your husband. What you have just said is quite true.” His words caused her to think and reevaluate who this man could be. She saw him as a prophet and moved the conversation to religious differences between the Jews and Samaritans. Jesus was not waylaid, he confronted her with the truth of her sin and guided her to seek the truth of who he was. 4:25-26 “ The woman said, “I know that Messiah” (called Christ) “is coming. When he comes, he will explain everything to us.” 26 Then Jesus declared, “I, the one speaking to you—I am he.” When she realized the truth of his words, she was transformed! Jesus had made her world turn upside down. She was no longer afraid or cowering when thinking about those around her and their criticisms. She became bold and returned to them changed. John 4:39-42 “Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman’s testimony, “He told me everything I ever did.” 40 So when the Samaritans came to him, they urged him to stay with them, and he stayed two days. 41 And because of his words many more became believers. 42 They said to the woman, “We no longer believe just because of what you said; now we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this man really is the Savior of the world.” She was transformed by Jesus and his message and taking his message of how he had changed her life impacted on those around her. Jesus not only transforms our lives through faith in Him but it spills out and over as we share with others. Just like the Samaritan women did for those around her, we too are God’s plan to share and spread His Good News to those around us! Blessing, Linda MESSAGE LINK Click Here to View the Message on Youtube Our Sunday service is online and in-person at 11:00am. Come visit us at 5353 Concord Blvd, on the corner of Concord Blvd and Kirker Pass Sermon Reflections from Jesus is the Point | Alex Hardt | April 28, 2024
Pastor Alex’s sermon this Sunday had many places where your heart and spirit wanted to shout “Amen”. This month Pastor Alex sought to imprint upon us that in various ways the truth of our memory verse from Matthew 16:15-16. “He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” 16 Simon Peter replied, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” If you were asked today, who would you say that Jesus is? Would you agree with Peter and recognize him as the Messiah, the Christ who came to save you? Or would he be just a good man to be looked up to? In Sunday’s sermon, the case was made that Jesus is who he says he is and did what he said he did for you and me! He wants us to be able to live for Him with God honoring lives and to be in relationship with Him. Pastor Alex started in Matthew 5:17-20 where Jesus states why he came and proclaims that all scripture points to Him. “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished.” Jesus came to fulfill every single bit of the law leaving nothing undone. Later in Matthew 11 where John sends his disciples to question Jesus whether or not he is the Messiah, the Christ, Jesus tells them to look and see what he is doing or has done and match it with prophecy of what the Messiah would do. Exodus 4:11 “Then the LORD said to him, “Who has made man's mouth? Who makes him mute, or deaf, or seeing, or blind? Is it not I, the LORD?” Later in Isaiah 29:18-19 it was foretold what the Messiah would do, “In that day the deaf shall hear the words of a book, and out of their gloom and darkness the eyes of the blind shall see. 19 The meek shall obtain fresh joy in the LORD, and the poor among mankind shall exult in the Holy One of Israel.” Jesus was saying, look at what I’m doing and you’ll see that I’m doing exactly what it was said I would do. Seeing is believing- look and see! In Isaiah 53 Isaiah writes about the suffering servant, Messiah who would suffer and die to save us. “But he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds we are healed. 6 All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned—every one—to his own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all.” All these ancient words describe in detail who Jesus was, what he did and why he came. All scripture points to Jesus as 2 Corinthians 1:20 says, “For all the promises of God find their Yes in him. That is why it is through him that we utter our Amen to God for his glory.” Do you ever ask yourself, what do I know about God? Who is He, what is He like? Jesus points us to God. I love Hebrews 1:3 and the description the writer gives of Jesus. “ He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature, and he upholds the universe by the word of his power.” Jesus embodies the very nature of God and reveals God to us in all he says and does. God’s Word is filled with the examples of who Jesus is, what he did here on earth. The Word tells us Jesus came with God’s authority to act and reveal more about God to the world. Jesus spoke of his authority often, John 12:49 as he sought to help his followers see who he was more clearly. “For I have not spoken on my own authority, but the Father who sent me has himself given me a commandment—what to say and what to speak. 14:10 “Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me? The words that I say to you I do not speak on my own authority, but the Father who dwells in me does his works.” Jesus embodied the authority of God as well as all His character. He was longsuffering, loving, kind, gracious, merciful, forgiving and wise. He totally reflects God the Father in his character while reaching out to us with love. Jesus revealed God to us while here on earth. He often spoke of the oneness he shared with his heavenly father. He even prayed for us to be united with him as he is with the Father in John 17:20-22 “I do not ask for these only, but also for those who will believe in me through their word, 21 that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me. 22 The glory that you have given me I have given to them, that they may be one even as we are one,” Jesus wanted us to be a part of Him and know that connectedness to the Father. He desired that we know Him and take refuge, hope, strength, courage…. From the Father. Most importantly Jesus wanted us to believe in Him so that we would be saved eternally and joined to His family. John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” John 1:12 “But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God,” Are you a part of God’s family yet? If not, why not? Jesus is waiting for you to come to him. His arms are open wide to surround you today. Linda Thank you Pastor Alex for a clear sermon that points us to JESUS! MESSAGE LINK Click Here to View the Message on Youtube Our Sunday service is online and in-person at 11:00am. Come visit us at 5353 Concord Blvd, on the corner of Concord Blvd and Kirker Pass Sermon Reflections from Jesus is Alive| John Klobuchar | April 21, 2024
It was a pleasure to have John with us this Sunday giving the message and telling us more about the Bay Area Chaplin’s ministry. John oversees this ministry and works directly with inmates on a daily basis. His goal is “To Make Christ Known.” Working with the segment of society that is incarcerated is a calling and requires understanding, insight and wisdom as he seeks to make Christ relevant and meaningful to those in hard circumstances. Regardless of where we are in life, Christ is the answer. Showing the inmates the pathway to life and true freedom holds a spiritual challenge for the one who is delivering the message. Knowing that God is impartial and His Holy Spirit can cut across any boundary or barrier is essential. John knows this and walks this pathway each day. John encouraged us from the book of Colossians as he read 3:1-17. As John does with the inmates, he sought to show us that the things we have in Christ are already there, accomplished, finished. We have these things by faith and are now hidden within Christ ourselves. We are secure in Christ. Knowing this we are instructed by Paul to put aside our old self, our old nature and put on compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. We are to leave that old life and those sins that came so easily to us and take up a new course with Christ. Even though we may not be in jail for crimes, we too have committed crimes against God. We are all sinners as we are reminded in Romans 3:23 “ for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,” Thankfully, in Christ we are all new creations 2 Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” All of us, regardless of who we are or where we live or what we’ve done need Jesus. He is the answer, John 17:3 “Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.” Jesus is the answer. Whether John is at the prison, at home with family or with us, he is striving to make Christ known as he knows that Jesus is the answer! 2 Corinthians 1:20 “For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ. And so through him the “Amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God.” Linda MESSAGE LINK Click Here to View the Message on Youtube Our Sunday service is online and in-person at 11:00am. Come visit us at 5353 Concord Blvd, on the corner of Concord Blvd and Kirker Pass Sermon Reflections from Jesus is Here | Julio Barros | April 14, 2024
It was a pleasure to welcome Pastor Julio to the pulpit today as he and his congregation had worked alongside us in packing meals for Rise Against Hunger. It was a glorious time of serving together in spite of the fact that there was a language barrier. It was a glimpse of heaven as we know all believing peoples will be there on day worshiping the Lord together. The text of Pastor Julio’s sermon was Luke 18 and the parable of the unbelieving judge who was constantly bombarded by the widow coming to him seeking justice. She was persistent until the judge finally relented and sought justice for her. Her persistence was likened to our prayers and our need to be persistent in prayer. God is listening and desires to know our hearts. That which one prays for repeatedly is truly on their heart and matters to them. God knows this and honors persistence. Pastor Julio spoke on the importance of prayer in various ways. First, he mentioned that prayer has a physical effect on the one who prays. This close time with God makes one happier and even will cause one to smile. Taking time to pray daily will make a difference in your life as it is what the Bible would consider good medicine. Proverbs 17:22 “A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” Spending time with God will change your heart and provide an attitude adjustment for better living. Next, Pastor mentioned the spiritual effects of having a prayer life. When you pray you build something around you that adds protection and hope for your family and wisdom for daily living. It is a time when you tap into the wisdom of God and let it flow into you. Prayer is not just mindless repetition but communication and relationship building with God himself. How do you build friendships with others? You do it by spending quality time with them, sharing your heart and working together. God allows us to spend quality time with Him, share our hearts and serve Him with others to strengthen our relationship with Him. Jesus called himself our friend in John 15:14 “You are my friends if you do what I command.” Our question to ourselves should be, how do I know what God commands of me? Through His Word He reveals himself to us, through faith in Jesus and the indwelling of His Holy Spirit we can learn of God’s ways and through prayer God speaks to us. Being the friend of Almighty God is an awesome thing. Now to the actual praying and the need to be persistent like the widow in the parable. God will answer prayer but in His time. Isaiah 55:9 “ “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” We do not know the times of life, the interactions of relationships and the whys and why nots of all things like God does. So His answers are sometimes, “Yes”, sometimes “No” and sometimes “Wait”. We must keep praying and trust in God’s timing and sovereignty. We must always remember that God gave man free will and what God desires may not come to pass if the person is unrepentant and rejects God. Pray diligently that the Holy Spirit will be able to soften your loved ones hearts towards God and that they will come to know Jesus. I lean on 2 Peter 3:9 “The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” God desires that all come to know Him- so keep on praying. Pastor Julio closed with this thought, “May our daily life be an act of prayer.” That would truly bring a change of heart to us both physically and spiritually. Praise God! Linda MESSAGE LINK Click Here to View the Message on Youtube Our Sunday service is online and in-person at 11:00am. Come visit us at 5353 Concord Blvd, on the corner of Concord Blvd and Kirker Pass Sermon Reflections from Palm Sunday- The Triumphal Entry | Sara Wade | March 24,2024
It was nice to have Sara Wade back to speak this Sunday. She is passionate about sharing the love of Christ with others, and it certainly comes through as she speaks. This being Palm Sunday, she wanted to see the events of Palm Sunday through the lens of 1 John. The Palm Sunday events reveal a willing Christ who humbly entered the city of Jerusalem riding on a donkey. This showed humility as He was the Son of Almighty God and deserved a chariot and crown if not more! Yet, he did not demand recognition or the things that go along with being a king. The people willingly praised Him and shouted Hosanna, Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! The city was teeming with those coming for Passover and many in the crowds had heard of the great miracles Jesus had performed and took control of the scene. They waved palm branches and sang praises to God. The proclaimed Jesus as Messiah. His disciples were confused at by all the happenings and did not fully understand them until after Jesus’ death and resurrection. Sara spoke about John’s words of love, proclaiming God is love from 1 John. The people who praised Jesus were doing so to show their love and devotion foe who He was and who they thought He was. John knew later in his ministry that this love, selfless praise, can only come from God. Love originates with God. The mission to come to earth and be the sacrificial Lamb of God to die for our sins was accomplished by Jesus on the cross. He knew where he was headed that day as he went down the steep road into Jerusalem. I’m sure the human part of Jesus soaked in those brief moments of praise and love the crowd provided. Jesus knew their ‘love’ was going to be fleeting and He would end up at the cross. Sara questioned each one of us to think about our commitment to God’s love. 1 John 4:7 says, “Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God.” The love we have for one another comes from God himself. He brought love into the world and showed us the ultimate in love by sending Jesus. To be able to truly love one another and be unified in faith we must love God. Through the power of His Holy Spirit, He fills us with the power to love others in a way we cannot humanly love. How can you love strangers? How can you love those who would do you wrong? It is only possible with God because God is love and He will give us the love we need for one another. She gave a powerful challenge that forced us to realize a new that love must be done in community. We have to be united in love to give out the gospel message of love and hope. A church divided will not move forward. I am reminded that Jesus prayed for the unity of all believers in John 17:22-23 “The glory that you have given me I have given to them, that they may be one even as we are one, 23 I in them and you in me, that they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that you sent me and loved them even as you loved me.” Jesus wanted us to know and feel the love He has for the Father so that we will feel 1 with Him. He even shares some of His glory with us so that we can know we belong to Him. This is the love Sarah is talking about that we need to access and apply to our Christian walk. May your feet feel lighter as you walked the Palm Sunday road today with Jesus. Knowing his feelings of love and devotion for you can uplift and move us forward to love one another in a more profound and genuine way. He deliberately went down that Palm Sunday pathway for you and me! (PHOTOS BELOW) Palm Sunday & Eastern Gate The road ends at the eastern gate through which Jesus entered the city. It is now closed. In later times the gate was blocked to keep Messiah from entering, not realizing that Jesus had already come that Palm Sunday so long ago. Linda MESSAGE LINK Click Here to View the Message on Youtube Our Sunday service is online and in-person at 11:00am. Come visit us at 5353 Concord Blvd, on the corner of Concord Blvd and Kirker Pass Sermon Reflections based on from Rhythms-Refuge in the Almighty | Alex Hardt | February 4,2024
Pastor Alex was in teaching mode this Sunday. He wanted us to see God as viable hope and security in our ever-changing chaotic world. He also wanted us to see that we too could draw nearer to God Himself by practicing some basic connecting activities. Psalm 46 is a wonderful psalm that gives us hope and courage in the face of adversity. God promises to be our refuge (safe place, fortress) when we are in trouble. The psalmist describes the world as a place where things fall, decay, roar, shake, in contrast to Holy God who is eternal, unfailing, and the ender of wars. He will prevail and the nations and the whole earth will one day exalt Him. Pastor Alex suggests that we should read His word, meditate upon it and pray. The psalmist suggests a similar pathway in verse 10, “He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;” We have to be still to read His Word. We have to be still to pray. I’m not talking about being still as in not moving but still in our minds, focused upon God’s Word. This means not letting our minds wander to the grocery list, tasks for the day, worries, and life’s problems but to keep our minds still and present as we read the word and pray. Focusing upon God Almighty as our refuge will allow us to absorb His strength and power into our daily life and keep ourselves from fretting, worrying or being consumed with fear. He promises to be our refuge and God keeps His promises. James 4:7-10 is a powerful reminder that focus upon God will send Satan away and be life changing. “Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. 8 Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. 9 Grieve, mourn and wail. Change your laughter to mourning and your joy to gloom. 10 Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up. God promises to come to us if we go towards Him. Sometimes the most we can do is one step, but know that the one step is the beginning of change. If we are sorry for the wrongs we do and grieve over them in our hearts, God will change our sorrow to joy and gladness. It is humbling to come to God as we are independent, pride-filled, stubborn people. But that one step towards God in faith will lead to step after step. With each step our faith grows stronger and our hope and trust in Him is confirmed. Each step causes us to trust more fully in Him and the plans He has for our lives. Lastly, Pastor Alex led us to participate in 2 Rhythms that are essential for drawing closer to God the Reading of God’s Word and Prayer. Hebrews 4:12 reminds us of the power of God’s Word in our lives. “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” James speaks of reasons to pray and the power of prayer. James 5:13, 15-16 “ Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven. 16 Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” Paul speaks of the need to be consistent with our prayers, Romans 12:12 “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” I so enjoyed the exercise Pastor Alex lead us through by reading Psalm 46 repeatedly and focusing on different messages God has for us in His Word. With prayer, Pastor Alex walked us through good steps to follow when praying. Praising God, Confession of sin, Thanksgiving, and lastly Petitions or Supplications. The Anonym, ACTS, for this practice is easy to remember to guide us as we pray. A-adoration of God for who He is, C-confession of our sins and shortcomings, T-thanksgiving for all the ways we see God working in our lives, His providential care, S-supplications or requests for ourselves and others. I would suggest one activity that helps to draw me closer to God. When I read a passage like Psalm 46 I will often read it in multiple versions to see what insights God has for me. I often use the New International version, English Standard version, Amplified translation, the Message translation, the New King James and I love the New Living translation. Some of these are more accurate translations and some paraphrased but all can help me see God’s message for my heart. Whatever we do, taking that 1 step in faith- opening our Bibles, saying short or long prayers, will always bring us closer to God if we focus upon Him and let go of the cares of the world. God is faithful and will meet us there! Guaranteed, as God keeps His promises. Linda MESSAGE LINK Click Here to View the Message on Youtube Our Sunday service is online and in-person at 11:00am. Come visit us at 5353 Concord Blvd, on the corner of Concord Blvd and Kirker Pass. Sermon Reflections based on from Navigating Launchpad Temptations | Alex Hardt | January 21, 2024
BETRAYAL, LIES and DECEIT are all elements in the continuing story of Joseph this week. For the first time we see Joseph as a young man who lives a life of integrity in the midst of evil doers. Joseph is without family, alone in a foreign country and yet he survives well as he continues to follow God and depend upon Him. Joseph does not succumb to the lower moral conduct of the pagan society but clings to God’s rules of conduct. God hon- ored Joseph’s integrity with blessings. God blessed Joseph with His favor. Genesis 39:3 “the Lord was with him and that the Lord gave him success in everything he did,” God blessed Potiphar through Joseph, 5 “The blessing of the Lord was on everything Potiphar had, both in the house and in the field.” This is a biblical principle we can count on today. God blesses those who follow and obey Him. God blesses others through us because of our faithfulness. Have you seen this at work in your own life? Think about how God has blessed you and think about how others have been blessed because of this. An example of this in my own life is when God blessed me with the books I have written. I was blessed by the truths I uncovered, app- lied to my life and the process of publishing that stretched my faith. In turn, those who have read and studied by books have been blessed as they have applied God’s word to their lives and told me about it. The blessings came to them and back to me! Praise God! How can and do you confront temptations? Joseph was again betrayed by Potiphar’s wife when she lied about Joseph’s actions. She wanted what she wanted and desired he be punished because he would not give into her demands. Have you know people who demanded their own way and when they do not get it seek any by any means possible to get their way? In today’s language Joseph first said NO! Actually he did that repeatedly as she confronted him daily. When that did not succeed, she sought to punish him for avoiding her. Joseph’s running away, avoiding the situation by getting out of there, Potiphar’s wife turned to her advantage. It seemed that Joseph had lost again but God! When he was put in prison, God met him there. 20 “But while Joseph was there in the prison, 21 the Lord was with him; he showed him kindness and granted him favor in the eyes of the prison warden.” God had his back and saw to it that Joseph was again put in a position to shine for Him. Our memory verse Gen 50:20 gives God’s principle of care for those He loves. “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” Joseph’s brothers, Potiphar’s wife and Potiphar all intended to harm Joseph, but God! Joseph’s faith in God allowed him to navigate the troubled situations of his life. The betraying brothers, the slave traders, Potiphar and his wife had all presented Joseph with temptations, but God knew how to guide Him through the troubling trials. As Joseph depended upon God, He was given a pathway and guided so that he could withstand the adversities of His life. How about you? Are you finding God to be the answer? Is he showing you the way to navigate your troubling situations? Pray and lean into Him. He keeps His promises and will guide you. ere are a couple of promises to cling to: Psalm 25:9 “He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way. Isaiah 58:11 “The Lord will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.” Linda MESSAGE LINK Click Here to View the Message on Youtube Our Sunday service is online and in-person at 11:00am. Come visit us at 5353 Concord Blvd, on the corner of Concord Blvd and Kirker Pass. |
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October 2024